5 top tips to keep you safe on your winter getaway

Posted in General on 22 December 2020

5 top tips to keep you safe on your winter getaway

It’s that time of year again where you’re packing your ski boots, your winter warmers and looking forward to some time away on the slopes with your family and friends. However, as fun as a ski or snowboarding break may be, it’s also one of the most dangerous types of trip you can take if you don’t keep your wits about you and follow some basic and simple rules.

InsuraTrip have put together their 5 top tips when enjoying your winter vacation and if followed correctly, should play a part in keeping you safe and secure.


(1)    Don’t drink and ski

This is the most basic rule but can be the hardest for all to follow. Now, we’re not saying don’t enjoy that glass of wine, just do it at the end of the day or at lunch when you don’t plan on enjoying any more winter sports.

Drinking alcohol lowers your ability to react as quickly and increases chances of being involved in an accident. Also, your winter sports travel insurance is unlikely to cover your medical expenses in the event of an accident if you have been drinking alcohol which could leave you facing a bill of up to £21,000 or more and that doesn’t include the cost of repatriation.

Be careful of other skiiers too. Just because you may have chosen not to drink and ski, doesn’t mean that they have too!


(2)    Limit your risk taking

While all winter sports activities do carry some risk, you can easily minimise your chances of getting involved in an accident if you follow your instincts and don’t go overboard or above your capabilities. Whilst on a skiing or snowboarding holiday with a group of friends of all different abilities, stick to the route or Piste that is best for you personally. Don’t attempt to try a harder slope just because your friends can do it. While we all want to improve, it is much safer to be cautious than reckless.

It is also advised to not go off Piste without an experienced guide. It is highly unlikely that your winter sports travel insurance will cover you for skiing off route without having a guide present and if you were to be involved in an accident, you could be left with a hefty bill to pay. Please do double check your policy wording for what is and what is not covered.


(3)    Wear appropriate clothing and equipment

The slopes are not the place to be conscious about your fashion. Dressing to keep warm, wearing sunscreen and purchasing a helmet before you head out to ski or snowboard are all common sense in protecting yourself.

While in most countries and resorts it is not a legal requirement to wear a helmet if you’re over the age of 18, it is strongly recommended that you do. Remember, do check your travel insurance policy wording as it may be a requirement by them for you to wear a helmet in order to not invalidate your travel insurance policy.

(4)    Follow the snow sports highway code

Yes there is such a thing and it applies very similarly to the road highway code in respect of giving way, keeping a safe distance and stopping etc. The International Ski Federation have put together 10 rules for all to follow when on the slopes in order to keep yourself and others safe.

While most of it is common sense, there are a few gems of information and it is definitely recommended that all should read, whether you consider yourself an amateur or a pro. The document can be read here.


(5)    Buy travel insurance that offers winter sports cover

When embarking on a winter sports activity holiday, finding comprehensive travel insurance that offers cover for winter sports is vital. While most travel insurance policies will cover you for unfortunate incidents such as flight delays, lost or damaged baggage and will cover emergency medical expenses, winter sports cover will offer extra protection specifically for ski and snowboarding trips.

InsuraTrip offers cover in the event there is an avalanche or a Piste closure, protection against damage or theft on your or hired ski equipment and much more. For further information, get a quote today here for your winter sports travel insurance and start planning your winter trip!




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