Legal Expenses
Fresh Start's Legal Expenses cover will provide you with cover up to £50,000 for advisers' costs for certain types of legal action(s) when helping you to pursue or defend a claim.
Our Legal Expenses will cover areas such as Domestic Property Protection, Legal Defence, Employment Disputes, and more!
Be sure to check the Policy Wording for full details on cover limits and exclusions.
What is Covered on Fresh Start's Legal Expenses Insurance?
Below is a brief explanation of what is covered on Fresh Start's Legal Expenses Insurance Policy Add On. However, you should always refer to the Fresh Start's Home Insurance Policy wording for full cover limits, terms, conditions and exclusions.
Section 1 - Consumer Contract Disputes
Disputes arising out of a contract for the purchase or hire of goods or services for private use or the sale or supply of privately owned goods provided that the insured person has entered into the agreement or alleged agreement after the commencement of the first period of insurance.
Section 2 - Domestic Property Protection
Disputes arising out of:
- A third party's alleged or actual negligent act or omission, nuisance, trespass or criminal damage relating to an insured person's material property which causes or could cause physical damage or pecuniary loss.
- Infringement of Your legal rights originating from the ownership of Your home.
- A contract in Your name and relating to Your home for construction, conversion or extension, sale or purchase including the leasehold and rental (but only as a tenant) provided that the insured person has entered into the agreement or alleged agreement after the commencement of the first period of insurance.
- The landlord's failure to maintain Your home.
Exclusions to Section 2
The insurer will not indemnify the insured person in respect of claims:
- in respect any buildings or land other than Your home;
- boundary disputes which arise in the first 180 days of this insurance unless the policy has renewed at least once;
- claims where any insured person is the landlord of the home or is leasing, sub-letting or renting-out all or any part of the premises for any purpose.
Section 3 - Employment Disputes
Disputes arising from or relating to an insured person's contract of employment as an employee excluding directors' service contracts, subject to an excess of £300.
Cover will be provided for legal expenses incurred in bringing an employment dispute claim against the insured person's employer.
Section 4 - Professional Negligence
Disputes an insured person may have with solicitors, accountants and surveyors arising out of:
- An agreement entered into by the insured person after the inception of the first period of insurance.
- Actual or alleged negligent advice, error and or omission where the date of occurrence is after the inception of the first period of insurance or where the starting date (as defined by Section 14A(5) of the Limitation Act 1980 or any amending or superseding legislation) is within the period of insurance provided that the relevant facts were not known to You and or any other insured person at the inception of the first period of insurance.
Section 5 - Legal Defence
The defence of any:
- Prosecution of an insured person in a criminal court arising out of the sale or supply of privately owned goods.
- Civil action, arising out of the insured person's work as an employee (but not as a director), under any legislation relating to racial, sex or disability discrimination, data protection or being a trustee of a pension fund set up for the benefit of the insured person's fellow employees.
Section 6 - HM Revenue & Customs Enquiries
An extensive examination by the HM Revenue & Customs into an insured person's personal tax affairs arising out of the insured person's work as an employee.
Exclusions to Section 6
The insurer will not indemnify the insured person in respect of legal expenses incurred in an investigation which is limited to one or more specific aspects of their self-assessment tax return.
Section 7 - Attendance Expenses
The actual loss of the salary or wages of an insured person for the time off work to attend any court or tribunal hearing at the request of the appointed representative or as a defendant of an admitted claim under this insurance provided that such salary or wages are not recoverable from the relevant court, tribunal or other party.