8 Things To Consider When Buying Your Home Insurance
Posted in Household on 31 March 2020

Use of your property
One of the most important things to consider when looking for home insurance is what the primary use of your home will be, as that will affect which types of home insurance will suit your needs.
For example, if you’re using your home to reside permanently then often standard home insurance will suit you.
However, if you’re planning to let your property out then you will need to consider specific landlord’s home insurance which is tailored to provide for such requirements as theft/ attempted theft by tenants, amongst other specific sections of cover.
Or, if your property is not your primary place of residence, for example if it is a holiday home, or if you plan to spend a significant amount of time away from it, then you should consider specific holiday home insurance/ unoccupied home insurance, as many standard home insurance policies do not cover for claims that occur when you have been vacant from the property for over 30 days.
Insurahome Unoccupied home insurance can provide up to 270 days or annual cover for when the house is left unoccupied.
Your Personal Circumstances – Bad Credit, Convictions, Claims History
Many people do not know that certain personal circumstances such as bad credit history or a prior criminal conviction can have a major impact on finding home insurance.
Insurahome offers a specific home insurance product that is suited to people with challenging personal circumstances such as people who have been declined, rejected or cancelled by insurers elsewhere due to personal circumstances or who are not eligible for standard home insurance, such as having a previous criminal conviction, County Court Judgements (CCJs), those who have been previously declared bankrupt, have a bad credit history or having previously made multiple claims.
The value of the contents of your home
Content cover is one of the most variable aspects of home insurance policies, and as such you need to know at the outset when searching for your home insurance how much cover you need.
Perhaps you could make a room by room itinerary of the contents of your house, taking particular note of high value items such as jewellery, gadgets or antiques.
Following your assessment, you will be able to come up with an approximate figure for the value of the contents of your home, close enough to filter your home insurance search by what level of cover is needed.
If you have any particularly high value items you will also need to check the single item limit of your policy, and may even need to list such items separately if it runs above this figure.
Away From Home
You may want to consider what level of cover your home insurance policy offers you for items outside the home.
For example, this could be useful to cover for portable technology and gagdets that you may have with you out and about, or if you have a member of your household who studies or works away from home for part of the year, and want their belongings to be covered on your home insurance.
You will want to consider what level of excess you are required to pay for key types of claim between different policies, as this will usually affect the cost of the premium you pay but also how much you stand to lose or have to pay yourself when making a claim.
Buildings Cover
As well as contents cover, if you are the homeowner of your property, it will be especially important to look over what is offered in the buildings cover of your policy.
While this may tend to have less variation between policies than contents cover, it’s still important to take into account.
For example, if you live in an area with a higher risk of flood, then ensure that this is covered in your policy.
European holiday home insurance
Mentioned above, you will need to find home insurance appropriate for a UK holiday home or an unoccupied property.
Well, the same applies for your European holiday home!
Standard home insurance policies are unlikely to cover for requirements such as a European Holiday Home, so you’ll need to take this in to consideration when searching for appropriate cover.
InsuraHome European Holiday Home cover can cover for holiday homes in France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and The Republic of Ireland, and offers benefits such as Accidents to Domestic Employees cover e.g. cleaners, housekeepers – up to £10,000,000.
Building Renovations
Some people buy properties with the intention of renovating/ extending/ demolishing parts of it to suit them better, or perhaps have decided to do this to their existing home as their circumstances have changed.
If you are planning to make serious renovations to your property you will need to check what is covered by your home insurance policy.
With Insurahome Home Insurance, if there are renovations to the value of £25,000 or more your claim will be rendered invalid so you must let your insurers know at least 30 days before the building work is set to take place and before contracts for the works are signed to make sure that you are covered.
Get covered with InsuraHome Home Insurance
InsuraHome Home Insurance understand how important it is to guard your home from the unexpected. We offer a range of non-standard home insurance policies to suit your needs.
We offer:
- Landlord insurance
- Unoccupied home insurance
- UK holiday home insurance
- European holiday home insurance
- Home insurance for those with challenging personal circumstances
To get an InsuraHome Home Insurance quote, call us on 01483 806 815 or visit our website at www.insurahome.co.uk to download and complete an online home Insurance quote proposal form and application form and simply send it to us – we’ll do the rest to get you a Home Insurance quote!
This article is for information and entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute advice in any way. The information provided here is correct at the time of writing however please check the latest policy wording here for the latest policy terms, conditions and exclusions.
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