10 ways to take the stress out of moving house

Posted in Household on 6 August 2019

Getting stressed over organising your house move? InsuraHome Home Insurance have 10 popular tips on how to combat the stress of moving house.

A blank notepad except for numbered spaces is ready to be customized

Create To-Do Lists

In the run up to the big move, there will be a lot to remember so start writing everything down and making lists.

Make a list of everything you have to do prior the move and another list for after the move and tick each off as you go along. And remember, it is never too early to start planning and organising!

Letterbox and letters

Change your address early for Bills and Mail

This may be on your list of things to do prior to the move but it cannot be stressed enough. Changing your address a week or two prior to your move-in date may save you a lot of hassle and stress in the future.

It may also be worth setting up a re-direction service with Royal Mail for a limited time whom will forward your post from your previous address to your new one. This will give you a little more time to go through all your providers and may just save you a visit to your previous address after you have moved.

Movers unloading a moving van

Book your Removal Services as soon as you have your confirmed moving date

You can reduce your stress levels significantly if you allow yourself plenty of time to get things done. Booking your removal team as soon as you have your confirmed moving date is one of these as you want to ensure things run as smoothly on the day as possible.

Your first choice may become booked up quite quickly so it is wise to have a second or even a third choice available too just in case.

Toys in a dresser

Clear out the Clutter

This may be one job you want to tackle early on in the moving process!

It’s amazing how much clutter we accumulate over the years; clothes, shoes, bedding, toys, books, homeware and many more. Clearing out your clutter will help you be and feel more organised. It will also ensure that when you begin the packing process, you’re not taking anything with you that you wouldn’t need. There is no point taking things with you that you’re considering getting rid of anyway, so just bin it or sell it

Pack up and clean each room individually

By packing up each room individually and cleaning as you to spread the work load instead of doing it all in one go right before you move. You’ll need to reserve your energy for the moving day and this way when it comes to leaving, you only have to give each room a light clean on the leaving date as you would have already done the hard work.

Also, label each box clearly as to which room and make a note of how many there are. This way on moving day, you can check all boxes are present.

Book time off work before and after the move

Allow yourself plenty of time before your moving date to get everything completed that you need to and allow time after the move to settle in to your new home. Unfamiliar surroundings and a disruption in your routine can add to your stress levels so ensure you make time for yourself after the move to settle in, get comfortable and enjoy your new home before jumping back in to your day to day life.

A dog in an animal shelter, waiting for a home

Put your pets in kennels and ask family to watch the kids

Moving home can not only be stressful for humans, but it can be for your animals and children too.

On the day of the move, put your pet in to a kennel for a day or two while the movers come in and help you move to your new home. This way you won’t have your pet getting under your feet whilst the movers come in and out and you can unpack and get settled a little in your new home before bringing your pet back. Being in new surroundings will be stressful for your pet, so by being unpacked, your scent will begin to scatter around the new house and will help combat your pet’s anxiety of being in a new, unfamiliar place.

As for the children, moving can be stressful time for them too. To make things easier on them and you, ask a family member if they would mind babysitting for one night so you can focus on unpacking without having to worry about what the kids are up to and you won’t be spreading yourself too thin.

Smiley face on cappuccino foam, woman hands holding one cappuccino cup on wooden table

Focus on the positives

It can be easy to get overwhelmed by the list of jobs you may have to do when moving in to your new home, but try turning some of these negatives in to positives. For example:

  • You will get a chance to start a fresh on decorating
  • You may be moving closer to friends or family
  • You may be moving to larger house
  • The commute to work may be better
  • A new area to discover

Shot of a young woman sleeping with a mask on in bed

Get plenty of rest

One factor of stress is fatigue and lack of sleep. When it comes to moving house you will be extremely busy for a few days during the moving process, so it is important you get enough rest. An idea is to take regular breaks from packing and unpacking, start early and take your time with things and remember to eat well and stay hydrated throughout.

Create a moving day survival kit

On the day of moving house, ensure you have one or two boxes that you take with you in the car – your boxes of essentials. This will be a small selection of things that you’ll be needing or using the very first day and evening in your new home. This can include items such as:

  • Kettle
  • Tea, Coffee, Milk and Sugar
  • A variety of cutlery
  • Plates
  • Bottled water
  • Mugs for you and the removal team
  • Mobile Phone chargers
  • Night clothes
  • Wash kit
  • Toilet Tissue
  • Towels
  • Clean clothes for the following day
  • Bed Linen
  • A bottle of fizz to celebrate moving in to your new home!

Don’t forget your InsuraHome Home Insurance

At InsuraHome Home Insurance, we understand how important it is to guard your home from the unexpected. To get an InsuraHome Home Insurance quote, call us on 01483 806 815 or visit our website at www.insurahome.co.uk to download and complete an online home Insurance quote proposal form and application form and simply send it to us – we’ll do the rest to get you a Home Insurance quote!

This article is for information and entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute advice in any way. The information provided here is correct at the time of writing however please check the latest policy wording here for the latest policy terms, conditions and exclusions.

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